MANY UPDATES – The Flood, The Rabbits and His Self

Flooding Update….

This is week 4 since the flood.  STILL no water, STILL no power.  I’ve had several electrician/plumbers in and they have all PROMISED me quotes… not a single written quote has been e-mailed, snail mailed or personally delivered.  I have filled out the paperwork dealing with the offered NY State program for financial help to flood victims.  They SAID they will call within 72 hours to set up an apt for their inspection.  We will see.  My primary issue is MOLD and Mildew in the crawl spaces I can’t access.  This is the second year of my basement being flooded, and the neighbors have all had similar issues.  They have lived in this area all their lives and say it’s NEVER been like this till recently.  I’m seeing a trend ofr the future I’m not sure I want to be involved in.  Climate change IS happening.  Whether you believe it’s caused by global warming, or whether it’s just a cycle of the earth is irrelevant.. It’s happening.    This planet is 4 BILLION years old….. we are foolish to think we can do any truly lasting damage to anything but OURSELVES.  The system will hybernate, clean and reset with some deeply buried long frozen single cell germ…… enough on my thoughts for that subject.

Rabbits Update…

2 of the 3 rabbits I bred kindled.  China (The Cali?New Zealand mix skipped.  I’m fairly sure it was a failed breed, either they didn’t get the job done (I didn’t watch, tho usually I do) or the buck is deficient.  He’s an older buck, so I’m fairly sure its the buck since China has regularly had 8 – 10 kits in each litter.  Sparkles, the lop, kindled and then .. ignored her kits.  She had them on the wire and didn’t even attempt to make a nest.  She was a happy successful mom with her 2 other litters, so I will call this a flike and give her one more breeding attempt before I retire her.  She’s only 2 so she should have 2 more years of breeding time.  The rex doe had 6 kits.  All 6 have made it even tho we were in the 100s and I wasn’t able to do what I usually do and bring mom and the kits inside under a fan, having no power.  I’ll get some pixs up later.  The kits aren’t out of the woods as far as I’m concerned until they are about 2 weeks old.

I’m selling the Oldest buck and doe at the next animal auction this comming Saturday.  I believe I will offer up the 2 small brown mutt rabbits on one of my facebook lists.  They are very sweet and they will be a smaller rabbit, so more pet material than meat.  They are very soft and cuddly, but need more human contact than we will give them if they are going to be pets.

Of the 4 New Zealands I picked up at auction, I have 2 left.  1 buck and 1 doe.  They are starting to look like “teen” type bunnies.. all legs and ears LOL.

Next Saturday I will be doing another Breeding.

  • Ebony & Lil Prince
  • Chocolate and the other Rex Doe

I’m hoping to pick up a Lop Buck still and a New Zealand Buck that’s breeding age on Saturday.

Update on His Self’s condition…

I’m a little worried about His Self.  He’s not bouncing back at all from his hospital stay.  He’s on 2 meds and 8 different vitamins.  All Perscription.  He’s always tired, he has no strength and he’s still losing weight.   Last Dr. Visit they told him if he doesn’t drink one drop between now and January 1st, they can get him in fora liver transplant.  He hasn’t had a single sip.. not even mentioned drinking.. whined alot about not being able to eat bacon anymore… but never once about alcohol.  I’m concerned for his health, but I find it hard to dig up any true sympathy for his plight.  It’s the emotional detachment I’ve had to make to continue to live wit him.  It’s entirely possible that he has cost me my humanity… I feel no empathy for him.. and that is after all what makes us different from the animals.

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